Thursday, January 2, 2020

Murder in a Small Town: The Scenario

The Scenario

"In my scenario", begins Jessica, "Jim makes his way back to the family farm and hides out in the barn, conceals himself on the premises, and secretly surveils the day-to-day happenings. He does this for a few days, moving between the barn and the attic of the main house. After a few days he decides, to reveal himself to his seven-year-old daughter and try to persuade her to come away with him. In his mind, she is his only link by blood on the whole farm and he wants to take her away, to maybe start another life together. But, something goes terribly wrong as he is attempting this. She may have become frightened and tried to flee, stumbled and fell, hitting her head on something that knocks her unconscious".

"Jim then begins to panic and tries to conceal her under the hay. Then, one by one, the other victims begin coming out to look for the other. First was Rachel’s mother, then her mother, and lastly Carl. It’s December and the ground is frozen. There was no way to dispose of the bodies at this point and Jim gives up trying. He knows that the little boy in the house is an illegitimate child of his supposedly widowed wife and, in his warped thinking, she’s been unfaithful. He goes to the house to dispatch the child with the same farming implement used on the others and wakes the live-in housekeeper in doing so. She can identify him, so she has to be eliminated along with the others. In a rage Jim turns towards the child and brutally murders him. (The crime scene photographs show the crib in splinters after the assault, which usually indicates “overkill” and a crime of passion). Jim then goes back to the barn, finds Rachel and tries to nurse her back to health. Unfortunately, the accidental blow to her head is causing her extreme pain and she finally succumbs to the injury. Jim stays at the farm for several days after the killings, tending to livestock and eating the slain family’s food".  

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